Conservation at Municipal Facilities
Lake In The Hills Sanitary District was looking to reset the facility’s garden beds to align with their sustainability goals. The existing garden beds were “tired” and filled with boxwoods and invasive burning bushes. The facility manager wanted a landscape that would look good, promote biodiversity, and complement the surrounding natural area. So Green Guerrilla designed landscapes that vistors would enjoy, the staff could interact with and the environment would benefit from.
“I highly recommend Green Guerrilla. Everything about working with them has been inspiring. I was so impressed by the visual presentation that accompanied their quote for a native landscaping project at Lake in the Hills Sanitary District. When the project started, I felt somewhat guilty removing the existing bushes, but Chris pointed out that burning bushes are actually invasive and the project would better protect the neighboring Lake in the Hills Fen and existing natural areas already at the treatment plant. Chris is very knowledgeable and Green Guerrilla’s work practices are truly eco-friendly. All of the Green Guerilla staff have been a pleasure to work with and I am looking forward to a continued relationship.”
Tamara Mueller – District Manager – Lake in the Hills Sanitary District